Missing studio, an open-source cloud native AI Studio designed for rapid development and robust deployment of generative AI applications using core infrastructure stack for LLM Application. It simplify the complexities of using generative AI models in production environments from private/OSS providers with performence, reliability and observability.

Key Features

Universal API

Familiar with spending hundreds of hours with multiple providers to get things right. Try our universal API for seamless integration with 100+ providers like OpenAI, Anthropic, Cohere, and more.

AI Router

AI Router offers the versatility to route between multiple models or provider using multiple fallback strategies like round-robin, least latency etc.

AI Gateway

AI gateway allow us to gain visibility and control over AI Applications using rate-limiting, retry, caching and observability.


Missing studio provides realtime visibility on LLM usage, performance and costs without any vendor lock-in. It seamlessly connect with observability platforms like Grafana to export your data

Why use AI studio?

Deploy a production-ready reliable LLM application with advanced monitoring.

  1. Seamless Integration with Universal API

    • Experience a frictionless integration journey with AI Studio’s Universal API, streamlining the complexities associated with diverse LLM providers.
    • Universal API is designed to eliminate the need for incremental builds and constant upkeep with LLM providers, providing you with seamless, efficient, and future-proof LLM integrations.
    • Enjoy the flexibility to focus on innovation and development rather than dealing with the intricacies of integration maintenance.
  2. Reliable LLM Routing with AI Router

    • Build resilience into your LLM applications by harnessing the power of AI Router to dynamically distribute API calls across multiple models or providers.
    • Increase fault tolerance through sophisticated fallback strategies such as round-robin and least latency, ensuring consistent performance even in challenging scenarios.
  3. Production ready LLMOps

    • Elevate your AI application with AI Studio’s production-ready LLMOps features, providing a robust infrastructure for deployment and scaling.
    • Implement smart mechanisms like rate-limiting to manage resource utilization effectively, and leverage retry mechanisms for enhanced fault tolerance.
    • Employ caching strategies to optimize response times, and integrate observability tools for real-time insights into the system’s health and performance.
  4. Detailed Usage Analytics:

    • Harness the power of granular usage analytics to gain deep insights into LLM performance, resource utilization, and cost dynamics.
    • Fine-tune your AI strategy by utilizing detailed metrics, allowing you to make data-driven decisions on model selection, scaling, and resource allocation.
    • Achieve a balance between cost-effectiveness and scalability by leveraging AI Studio’s comprehensive usage analytics.
  5. Observability without Vendor Lock-In: Get realtime visibility access on LLM usage, performance and costs without any vendor lock-in. It seamlessly connect with observability platforms like Grafana to export your data

    • Enjoy unparalleled visibility into LLM usage, performance, and costs without compromising flexibility through vendor lock-in.
    • Seamlessly integration with popular observability platforms like Grafana, enabling you to export data and create customized dashboards tailored to your specific needs.
    • Achieve a balance between cost-effectiveness and scalability by leveraging AI Studio’s comprehensive usage analytics.

Getting Started

Select from the following guides to learn more about how to use AI studio:


Missing studio - An AI Studio is Apache 2.0 open source licensed.